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What We Do​

Industrial Security Management Services

SCG designs, develops, and implements customized security programs to each individual Client’s needs ensuring compliance with the NISPOM and ICD requirements.

Security Programs

SCG has helped numerous Clients through the Facility Clearance (FCL) process. From initial sponsorship through final award, SCG has the expertise to navigate this process. SCG reviews all incoming DD Form 254s to ensure compliance and also issues any required subcontractor DD Form 254s.

Facility Clearance Process

SCG designs, develops, and implements customized security programs to each individual Client’s needs ensuring compliance with the NISPOM and ICD requirements.

Insider Threat Program

Security Education

This is a great place to tell your story and give people more insight into who you are, what you do, and why it’s all about you.

SCG prepares comprehensive security education programs for our Clients.  At a minimum these programs include initial briefing, insider threat briefings, and annual security refresher briefings for all cleared employees. At the Client’s...

Clearance Processing

SCG performs the administrative functions involved in submitting Client personnel for the required security clearances and accesses in support of current contracts and contracts awarded during the period of...

Clearance Eligibility Screening

Studies estimate it can take an average of 23 days to hire a new employee, with more complex IT positions taking longer to fill. The costs to recruit, process, and train a new hire can average around $4,000...

Clearance Database

SCG uses SIMS Software to track clearance information, foreign travel information, incoming and outgoing visit requests, and badges renewals.


SCG prepares and submits all required security reports to the U.S. Government.  Examples of required reports include changes in personal status, contact with foreign nationals, foreign travel, adverse information... 

Foreign Travel Briefings and Debriefings

SCG provides a defensive travel briefing for individuals traveling abroad with destination-specific threat information including current Department of State Travel Alerts or Warnings and U.S. Embassy and...

Inspection Prep & Self-Inspections

SCG assists our Clients in preparing for DCSA and IC security inspections.  Preparation includes, but is not limited to, reconciliation of DISS records with company security files, review of DD254s, preparation of the DCSA...

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